Kaiser Blank Cartridges Caliber: 8mm Brass Coated Blanks with Crimped Ends Pack of 50 Rounds
VICTORY Blank Cartridges Caliber: 8mm Brass Coated Blanks with Crimped Ends Pack of 50 Rounds
These VICTORY blank cartridges are designed for various applications, including training, reenactments, and signaling. They feature an 8mm caliber and are coated with brass for durability and reliable performance. The blanks have crimped ends for secure closure and come in a convenient pack of 50 rounds. Whether you're a collector, reenactor, or need blanks for specific purposes, these VICTORY blank cartridges offer a versatile and dependable option.
Note from the Ministry of the Interior n. 559 / C 50.299-C-93 of 8/11/95 Instruments for acoustic signaling (weapons safe), declassified pursuant to art. 2 of the law n. 110175 from the central advisory commission for the control of weapons, which can also be assimilated to toy weapons ", as can be seen. among other things, by sentence n. 1076 of 10 February 1995, of the Criminal Cassation section 1.