Set of three shims to be placed between the piston head and the piston to modify / adjust the angle of engagement between the first tooth of the piston and the first tooth of the sector.
Set of three shims to be placed between the piston head and the piston to modify / adjust the angle of engagement between the first tooth of the piston and the first tooth of the sector.
The insertion of such thickness causes a slight retraction of the piston and decreases the angle of engagement.
This procedure can increase the reliability of replication.
Moving from a standard hook-up angle (like MARUI) to a non-standard one, it is advisable to make the modifications to the piston (elimination of the second tooth and possibly reduction of the third).
If you are a beginner, you should contact technicians with proven experience.
A normal piston head can withstand a maximum thickness.
Technical data:
- internal hole: 5 mm
- external diameter: 18 mm
- thickness: 1 mm